A former member of the Estonian army is training his sights on the Stock Market as he launches a new business based in Dundee.
‘Stock Doctor’ is the brainchild of Tallinn-born Vladimir Zabnin, who served as a leader in the Estonian Defence Forces’ artillery battalion before graduating from the University of Dundee and making his home in the city.
A career in financial services has seen him work for Alliance Trust Savings, where he specialised in analysing data flows of assets, and Baillie Gifford, where he was a portfolio analytics specialist.
Certified by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, he left the investment management giant after three years to take up the position of Head of Portfolio Management at Beamish International, which operates in the alternative assets space (rare and fine whisky) for ultra-high-net-worth individuals.
Read more: https://businessmondays.co.uk/former-soldier-gunning-for-success-with-stock-market-start-up/